Daniel Emelandu Udochukwu is the founder and general overseer of The Everlasting Light Of Hope International Ministry, situated at No. 17, Aniyikaye Cresent, Igando Egan. Lagos Nigeria, West Africa. Born in the a village in Umuahia local government area of Abia State. Came to Lagos at a tender age to commence his primary and secondary education. He later went back to Enugu state where he had his University education and he had his first degree in Mechanical Engineering. As God would have it, he eventually found himself at The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, where he spent his quality time serving God, under the mentorship of Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua. Having gained enough experience and maturity and as God would have it, he was ordained by God Almighty as a minister of the Gospel through Prophet T.B. Joshua, with the divine name, ” Wiseman Daniel” from above. His lifestyle and activities as a minister of God still speak for itself. Finally, on the 20th of March, 2020, God instructed his mentor to release Wiseman Daniel in order to continue the mission and vision God Almighty has given to him. Today, Wiseman Daniel is on his own, and he is the founder of The Everlasting Light Of Hope International Ministry.
The Amazing Power Of Prayer Points was given to Wiseman Daniel by God Almighty Himself during his quiet time at the prayer mountain, immediately after he was released from the SCOAN. These were Wiseman Daniel’s exact words as he explained the secret behind The Amazing Power Of Prayer Points
Founded by Emelandu Udochukwu Daniel of THE EVALASTING LIGHT OF HOPE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY (ELOHIM). CHRIST STANDARD TV is a television station with one focus and one mission. The focus is Jesus Christ and the mission is to preach about Him to others via positive word and positive deeds, and eventually bring the everlasting light of hope to mankind. Going by its focus and mission, the stations’ main aim is to promote Christ’s standard, bringing the lost sheep to the kingdom of God by the power of the spoken word. Distance is not a barrier to the move of God. God’s power and His effectiveness are not limited by space and time. God’s word is the most effective instrument for a change- people hear the word and become transformed, nations hear the word and become transformed and the world hears the word and become transformed- transformed from sickness to good health, from poverty to prosperity and from darkness to shining light. Christ standard for His followers is this: Go into the world and preach the Gospel of truth- heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and bring salvation to the lost souls.(MATTHEW 28: 18- END) We encourage you to watch CHRIST STANDARD TV and experience the transforming power of the Almighty God at work. God Almighty in His infinite mercy has not stopped giving us reasons to believe and trust in Him.